10 things that may shock you about Canada

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Canada, with its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and friendly people, is a dream destination for travelers from around the world. However, as many tourists soon discover, Canada is full of surprises that can catch even the most seasoned travelers off guard. From its vast size to its cultural quirks, Canada has plenty to offer that may leave visitors in awe. Here are the top 10 things that shock tourists when they visit this beautiful country.

1. Canada is not a Frozen Wasteland all year round

One of the biggest misconceptions about Canada is that it’s always cold, with snow covering the ground year-round. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While Canada does have harsh winters in some regions, the country experiences all four seasons, with summer temperatures soaring, especially in cities like Vancouver, where it rarely snows. So, pack your shorts and t-shirts if you’re visiting in the warmer months—Canada isn’t as frozen as you might think!

2. How friendly, kind, & helpful Canadians really are

Canadians have a reputation for being incredibly polite, and this stereotype is often confirmed by visitors. Tourists are often shocked by just how friendly, kind, and helpful Canadians are. Whether you’re lost and need directions or just looking for a restaurant recommendation, locals are more than willing to lend a hand. Yes, they do say “sorry” a lot, but it’s all part of their charm. It’s no wonder Canada consistently ranks as one of the friendliest countries in the world.

3. The price listed is never the final price! tipping & added taxes

One aspect of Canadian life that surprises many tourists is that the price you see isn’t the price you pay. Canada has a system of sales taxes that vary by province, and these taxes aren’t included in the listed price of goods. On top of that, tipping is expected in restaurants, usually around 15-20% of the bill. So, be prepared to spend a little more than what the price tag indicates!

4. How large the country really Is

Canada is the second-largest country in the world, and its vastness can be shocking to visitors. Traveling between cities can take hours by plane or days by car. Many tourists underestimate the size of the country and find themselves surprised by the long distances between major destinations. It’s essential to plan your trip accordingly, focusing on specific regions rather than trying to cover the entire country in one go.

5. The natural beauty throughout Canada

One of the main draws of Canada is its stunning natural beauty. From the majestic Rocky Mountains in the west to the serene red beaches of Prince Edward Island in the east, Canada offers a diverse range of landscapes that leave visitors in awe. The country is home to numerous national and provincial parks, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you’re hiking in Banff, exploring the forests of British Columbia, or marveling at Niagara Falls, Canada’s natural beauty is truly breathtaking.

6. How much the Canadians love hockey

Hockey isn’t just a sport in Canada—it’s a way of life. Tourists are often shocked by how deeply ingrained hockey is in Canadian culture. From professional NHL games to local youth leagues, hockey is everywhere. Even if you’re not a sports fan, attending a hockey game in Canada is a must-do experience. The passion and enthusiasm of the fans are contagious, and you’ll quickly see why hockey holds such a special place in the hearts of Canadians.

7. Maple syrup flavor is in quite a few products

Maple syrup is synonymous with Canada, and you’ll find it infused in a wide variety of products. From maple-flavored mints to maple-covered dishes, the sweet syrup is everywhere. It’s not just a stereotype—Canadians take their maple syrup seriously. Tourists are often surprised by just how much maple syrup is used in everyday foods. Be sure to pick up a bottle of authentic Canadian maple syrup as a delicious souvenir!

8. You might need a little french in Quebec

While English is widely spoken throughout Canada, French is the dominant language in Quebec. Tourists visiting this province might be shocked by the prevalence of French, from menus to street signs. While most Quebecers speak English, it’s always helpful to know a few basic French phrases. However, once you leave Quebec, French becomes much less common, and English dominates in most other provinces.

9. How safe you feel when you visit Canada

Canada is known for its safety, and tourists often comment on how secure they feel while traveling here. Whether you’re exploring a bustling city or a remote national park, Canada offers a sense of safety that can be reassuring for travelers, especially those with families. While it’s still important to practice general safety precautions, Canada’s low crime rates and welcoming atmosphere make it a comfortable destination for visitors.

10. How many Tim Hortons you see & stop at!

No visit to Canada is complete without a stop at Tim Hortons, the beloved coffee and donut chain that has become a national institution. Tourists are often shocked by how ubiquitous Tim Hortons is, with locations seemingly on every corner. Whether you need a quick breakfast, a coffee break, or a snack for the road, Tim Hortons is always there. The chain’s friendly service and delicious treats make it a favorite among both locals and visitors.

Bonus: Embrace the Canadianisms!

In addition to these shocks, tourists will also encounter various “Canadianisms” that make the country unique. From the iconic beavertails (fried dough with cinnamon sugar) to the life-changing experience of trying poutine (fries with cheese curds and gravy), Canada offers a range of quirky foods that reflect its diverse culture. You’ll also hear plenty of “eh” and “sorry” as you interact with the locals, adding to the charm of your Canadian adventure.

Canada is a land of surprises, and these are just a few of the things that might shock you during your visit. But these quirks and characteristics are what make the country so special. Whether you’re there for the natural beauty, the friendly people, or the delicious food, Canada is sure to leave a lasting impression. So pack your bags, plan your trip, and get ready to be amazed by all that Canada has to offer!

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